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售價:1150 |
詳細資料ISBN:9789861540009 叢書系列:化學及化學工程 規格:普通級 內容簡介 |
搜尋參考資料: 1.Thermodynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermodynamics Thermodynamics is a branch of physics concerned with heat and temperature and their relation to energy and work. It defines macroscopic variables, such as internal ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_of_thermodynamics The four laws of thermodynamics define fundamental physical quantities (temperature, energy, and entropy) that characterize thermodynamic systems. The laws describe ...
dictionary.reference.com/browse/thermodynamics Ross has ingeniously located much of modern physics in the Bible, including the laws of thermodynamics and the Big Bang. physics.about.com/od/thermodynamics/p/thermodynamics.htm What is Thermodynamics?: Thermodynamics is the field of physics that deals with the relationship between heat and other properties (such as pressure, density ... www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/thermo.html 5/5/2015 · Thermodynamics is a branch of physics which deals with the energy and work of a system. It was born in the 19th century as scientists were first ... Thermodynamics & ITS Applications 3,e |
資料來源:博客來 |